There are many DPS characters are made equal. Find this article more information about the best single-target DPS players for bosses from Genshin Impact.
There are two kinds of DPS characters in Genshin Impact. One with high AoE damage that is able to take out multiple enemies simultaneously as well as one that has the highest single target damage, which is useful for bosses with high HP. Both are valuable, the latter is more crucial since the hard content is more common in Genshin Impact generally has only one boss to fight in the final round.
So, in the following article Gurugamer intends to show the top 5 most effective players for single-target DPS within Genshin Impact.
1. Kamisato Ayaka

Ayaka is most likely the top enemy killer of Genshin Impact 2.7 and CRIT DMG as the ascension statistic. At level 80, she’ll attain up to 88.4 percent bonus CRIT DMG that lets her focus on her Crit Rate for longer. She also has a Cryo element is fantastic and not only do players increase their crit rate by using resonance however, they also freeze enemies using Hydro support. This lets Ayaka to shine on teams that freeze and concentrate on offensive play.
Her Elemental Burst triggers an explosion of Cryo slashes that cause massive destruction to enemies. Combine this with Ayaka’s Cryo-infused attacks , and every boss should be eliminated within a matter of seconds.
2. Hu Tao

Another character that has CRIT DMG ascension, Hu Tao is neck to neck with Ayaka in the race to win single-target damage. But the main reason Hu Tao is in the 2nd position is that she requires Hydro support to allow the ability to vapourize. Ayaka On contrary, is able to give out the huge amounts on her own.
Hu Tao’s perpetual desire to have less than 50% HP forces her to rely upon shielders. This restricts her team’s comps. She requires a shielder her, and she can’t use healer characters.
3. Ganyu

There aren’t many characters in Genshin can match Ganyu in the area of ranged damage. Because of the CRIT DMG ascension stat , and her numerous AoE abilities, she is able to deliver impressive damage even when she is at C0. In general, she is similar to Ayaka when participating in Cryo team competitions and can freeze enemies to deliver constant high-crit damage.
Ganyu’s charged attacks differ from the bow characters of the game. Her charges have distinct levels, and each has the damage multiplier of a specific level. This is extremely useful for opponents with weak spots as are all bow attacks against which you can be sure to hit.
4. Eula

Eula is the most powerful Physical DPS character in Genshin Impact and has no rival. The majority of her DPS is derived from her physical attacks, as well as Elemental Burst. Similar to other characters in this list Her Ascension stat also has CRIT DMG. Her weapon is centered around her burst, which lets Eula’s attacks be stacked to deal damage for all the length of her ability. Once it is finished at the end of the skill, all damage is released in the form massive AoE explosion that deals Phys damage.
She also has a Cryo application also gives an access point to Superconduct Reaction elemental, that increases the physical damage she suffers even more.
5. Arataki Itto

Itto could be a devastating threat with his attacks, but Itto requires a lot of help from other Geo Characters. This is the reason The character is only number 5 of the top five. His abilities work very well along with Elemental Skill taunting enemies and Elemental Burst increasing overall DPS. Itto most often deals damage through his Attacks that are charged, and are strengthened by Superstrength stacks that are derived from Normal attacks as well as Elemental Skill.
His level of skill is according to DEF which makes the creation of high-quality artifact sets quite simple.