How to complete every Friendship quest for Ariel in Disney Dreamlight Valley

As the players move along Disney Dreamlight Valley, they can access Dazzle Beach. Dazzle Beach biome and meet the characters of The Little Mermaid. The main character of the film, Ariel, plays an crucial role in the story as do Prince Eric as well as the villain, Ursula. The game has a lot adventures of Ariel are linked to the characters in question and need to be completed.

Like all Disney Dreamlight Valley character, Ariel is not the same. Ariel is a unique character with her own series of Friendship quests. As players advance her Friendship levels through everyday exchanges and gifts the quests will be accessible.

Guide to finishing the Friendship tasks in Ariel on Disney Dreamlight Valley

The Lonely Island

The very first Friendship quest of Ariel from Disney Dreamlight Valley It is quite brief and sees Ariel transform into an eminent Villager

  • You can complete the Mystery Wreck quest by playing with Goofy and make it to the island to search for Ariel.
  • Talk to her and find out about her plans to be a part of the Village, but isn’t sure where to look for it.
  • Simply go back to the Village and place her house near the water, close to Dazzle Beach. Then then watch when she gets there.
  • Visit she in the Wishing Well to finish the quest.

The Missing Prince

When Ariel gets settled and settles in, players can begin talking to her on a regular basis , and give her different gifts to boost the Friendship level. In this way, you can begin the possibility of having the Prince Eric created:

  • Begin by speaking to Ariel. She’ll tell you she’s disappointed that nobody else will remember Prince Eric like she does.
  • On behalf of her, talk on her behalf to Merlin, Maui, and then Kristoff.
  • Kristoff will claim that he might have documents concerning Prince Eric in his home.
  • Go to his house located in The Forest of Valora and find the books of records in the room to the left.
  • Return to Kristoff and go to Dazzle Beach.
  • Fish from the tiny island located in the bubble area in orange. You will also find an Statue Face of Prince Eric.
  • Send it to Ariel and she’ll beg for assistance in with the search for the other statue.
  • Return to Kristoff. He’ll say that another part of statue at his home, and Donald Duck may have one.
  • Return to his home to find the missing piece, and then locate Donald Duck.
  • Talk to Donald. He’ll explain why the other piece within the Glade of Trust and that Scrooge McDuck has another.
  • Find the piece of rock that was that was buried in the water near The Pillar of Trust in the Glade of Trust.
  • Speak with Scrooge McDuck, and then offer him five Peridot as a trade in exchange for the piece.
  • Return all the pieces to Ariel. She will offer you super glue to repair the statue.
  • Visit a craft station to build the statue and then place it close to the stairs that lead to Dazzle Beach
  • Take the memory of Prince Eric in the face of Ursula and tell this to Ariel.
  • Accept to talk to Ursula The journey will come to an end.
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Thingamabobs, Gadgets, and Gizmos

It is the 2nd final quest for Ariel within Disney Dreamlight Valley:

  • Discuss with her the ways she would like to begin collecting things.
  • Speak to WALL-E, and you will get the Story Book.
  • Find the Whisk at Remy’s home, followed by you can collect the Spinning Top that Donald left at his home Then, you can collect the Gramaphone from the house of Minnie.
  • All the things you have to give Ariel Then she’ll be able to see it is the Gramaphone is damaged.
  • Create a Crafting Station by collecting 40 sand 20, Hardwood and 10 scalelops 10 Gold Ingots as well as three Aquamarine.
  • Send Ariel her very personal Crafting Station to end the adventure.

The Ancient Doorway

Unless DLC updates or updates in the future add additional tasks, The Ancient Doorway is the last quest for Ariel within Disney Dreamlight Valley. It is made available when her Friendship level is reached at 10:

  • Once you have reached level 10 When you reach level 10, speak with Ariel about a slab of stone she’s found.
  • Bring the slab to Merlin He will advise you that it should be infused with different emotions in order to function.
  • Return to Ariel and she will infuse this with Joy emotion.
  • Remy will infuse it with emotion. Passion emotion.
  • Moana will infuse it with the excitement emotion.
  • Ursula is the last to infuse her by anger. Anger emotion.
  • Visit the Mystical Cave at Dazzle Beach, and travel down to the bottom of the cave.
  • Place the stone slab on the wall, then grab The Mystical Crystal after the wall becomes open.
  • Talk to Ariel and give her the Crystal and your quest will be completed.
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After completing this final Friendship quest with Ariel within Disney Dreamlight Valley, she will award the participant with Seafoam Gown and the Seafoam Gown and the Seafoam Suit.

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