Genshin Impact 2nd anniversary update: 1600 Primogems release date

Genshin Impact 2nd anniversary update: 1600 Primogems release date, new character banners, and 4-stars

HoYoverse as well as Genshin Impact will be celebrating their second anniversary on September 28th 2022 following the launch of 3.1 update. Genshin Impact is planning a variety of new content for all to enjoy, many of which are completely free. From Primogems to ascension material the players will receive something from every aspect during the course of the update.

In the beginning, HoYoverse will bring back their seven-day log-in experience called “Path of Gleaming Jade.” But, as the days progress HoYoverse will begin sending 1600 Primogems via email in-game, along with interactive cosmetics as well as a permanent partner. This 3.1 upgrade will include two brand new characters from Sumeru as well as an old version.

This article outlines all you should be aware of about Genshin Impact’s second anniversary. Genshin Impact.

All the upcoming characters such as banners, rewards, and more are included in Genshin Impact 3.1 (2022)

1.) 1660 Primogems, 10 together with intertwined destiny

As Genshin Impact will celebrate its second anniversary at the 3.1 update’s date of release The players can expect rewards to begin coming in on that date.

The total number of wishes is 20 and will be offered to everyone at no cost and also include ascension-related materials like Hero’s Wit, Mora, and Fragile Resin.

Similar to the previous big events and anniversary updates like previous flagships and anniversary events “Path of Gleaming Jade” event for log-ins will go through for seven consecutive days. The event will give players an entire set of interconnected fates, as well as a few Mora and Hero’s Wit as well as Mystic Enhancement ores.

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Additionally to this, players will receive 1600 Primogems via four emails that will also include four Fragile Resins as well as a the Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper Cloud Retainer’s Damasked Device permanent companion.

The rewards mentioned above and many more are scheduled to be delivered on September 28.

2.) Character banners

In the beginning of Genshin Impact 3.1 players will have the chance to play for a total of two characters with five stars and one new 4-star character.

Cyno as well as Venti Venti and Cyno will both be main characters at their respective wish-making events, with Candace being featured on both banners. Both of their wish-making events begin on September 28, and close on the 14th of October.

Typically, every character as well as their weapon will be featured on a distinct banner. For example, the Staff of Scarlet Sands Polearm as well as Elegy of the End, will be featured in its banner.

Its 3.1 upgrade will allow players to play with two new weapons with four stars, Missive Windspear and Makhaira Aquamarine.

In the group of new characters the players will be delighted to know that Cyno is a Electro Polearm DPS. The kit also provides hints about her tank capabilities.

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The next phase in the upgrade will include another character, named Nilou as well as the return of the Geo sword-wielder Albedo.

3) Other activities

Apart from the anniversary reward, Genshin Impact will also host an event as the main event, in addition to other minor events during the update.

Typically the events that are considered to be flagships are significant and occur once per year. Therefore, players are likely to receive a large number of Primogems from quests, objectives and other events.

The scheduled events to take place for 3.1 upgrade are in the following order:

  • Of Ballads and Brews (flagship)
  • Hyoukunin Ikki
  • Wind Chaser
  • Star Seeker’s Sojourn

Additionally, the update will feature two Archon quests that each grant 60 Primogems.

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