There are numerous Genshin Impact leaks related to Baizhu that range from details of the release version to earlier information regarding his capabilities. But, any information disclosed unofficially could alteration. But, the information presented here , including the map that was revealed in a recent leak — are all the aspiring Baizhu mains currently have to offer.
This character was introduced back with Genshin Impact 1.0 with a unique design that indicated that he was likely to be playable in the near future. Travelers were aware of his use of Dendro in the past but the feature was not available to players until 3.0 was released. Naturally, rumors started popping out about his being playable, with most credible leaks pointing towards the possibility of this taking place with Genshin Impact 3.6.
Genshin Impact Baizhu leaks: Date of release, type of weapon and the abilities
The tweet below contains information about the huge leak of the roadmap that was made public on the 23rd of October 2022. The data points to the various release versions is helpful for those who wish to be aware of when the release date for their favourite character is going to be released for play.
Baizhu is expected to be available along with Genshin Impact 3.6. The date and the banner phase is currently undetermined but the date is predicted to occur in the month of March 2023. In the same way, it’s not yet known who is the “new persona” is who is listed beside him.
At a minimum Travelers know they know that Baizhu is a five-star Dendro unit. The next leak suggests that he has Catalyst as his primary weapon.
Leaks of gameplay and weapons
There isn’t much information about his skills as a player currently. The most interesting aspect is the information provided in the tweet above mentions him as “Lady_Catalyst.” This suggests that he’s using an attractive female character’s animations however, it could be a placeholder. Baizhu is considered to be one of the “feminine” character that will connect to the leak that will be discussed in the next section.
It’s also important to note that there’s not much information regarding this Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst currently. The nature of the path in the Elemental Skill is yet to be determined. Similar to making use of Yae Miko’s Elemental Burst as a placeholder does not reveal anything of value or valuable, neither.
Costume and censorship
One leak that may surprise players Genshin Impact players is that Baizhu will be wearing an uncensored appearance on Genshin Impact, the Chinese Version of Genshin Impact. It is likely that players will get that skin free of charge as an alternative outfit if they play on servers not run by Chinese. To be clear only the following players have been subject to censorship before the censor:
- Amber
- Jean
- Mona
- Rosaria
This could mean that Baizhu one of the very first characters to have been subjected to censorship. However, at present, there are no official images to reveal what the changes will be. Also, there aren’t any credible texts that confirm what will differ in the NPC model that the players first were able to see and the eventual game-playable model.

To give you a reference point The image below depicts him in the default NPC model, which came into use in version 1.0. Some male Genshin Impact characters like Aether have their midriffs visible It’s not evident what’s changing in the case of the Bubu pharmacist, if that’s not the problem.
Genshin Impact 3.6 beta will begin a few months down the time, and Travelers can know more about the issue when it is.