Genshin Impact Shop Colors event: How to get all Shop Components and claim 180 Primogems

To get all Shop Components that are part of Genshin Impact’s Shop Colors event, you’ll need to open specific chests within the Fecund Blessings event. In doing so, you’ll receive 180 Primogems. The chests you open will not all provide the items you require, but opening them all is required to receive all the rewards in Genshin Impact 3.1’s most prestigious event.

This guide will assist you to discover all the chests that are relevant from Fecund Blessings which includes all the requirements. Finding them all can take some time. There’s just twelve Shop Components you can locate during the Genshin Impact event.

Genshin the Impact Shop Colors Event guide To collect all Shop Components in order to obtain 180 Primogems

The only method to acquire all Shop Components available in Genshin Impact is to find the chests that are associated with that Fecund Blessings event. It is necessary to open the chests associated with when the Music Sounds and The Feast in Full Swing in order to locate any in the Afterparty section. It is therefore logical to provide an outline of all chests in the following categories:

  • When the Music Sounds
  • The Feast in Full Swing

This guide will also provide an entire map of the last section, however the guide will be in greater detail about it.

Note There are Shop Components within these components, which this article will detail.

When Music Sounds is a chest, Music Sounds chests

The map is based on stars and show where all the Fecund Blessings’ chests are. There aren’t any tricks or tricks to unlock the chests. All you have to do is walk towards these areas, and avoid any sort of battle. The minimap will indicate the exact location of the chest if you are close enough.

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You will get these Shop Components within this section:

  • Shop Ornament: Birdie the Waiter
  • Shop Ornament: A Basket of Scents
  • Storefront Furnishing: Super Special Prices
  • Landscape Accessory: Bright Aroma

Make sure you locate the chests listed above to complete The Feast in full Swings that is the requirement to participate in The Afterparty. Additionally, you will be able complete “Completely adorn your shop once” with Shop Colors once you get going with The Charity or Creativity Event on Genshin Impact.

The Food and Drinks at Full Swing chests

Notice: The treasure chest displayed on the Knights of Favonius Headquarters is located inside. Enter the building and turn right towards the library, where you will find the chest.

The map is similar in layout to the one that was posted within the When the Music Sounds section. The Shop Components you’ll receive here include:

  • Shop Ornament: Orderly Queue
  • Shop Ornament: Visible Flavor
  • Shop Frame: Cider Lake Blue
  • Landscape Accessory: Surprise Gift
  • Storefront Furnishing: Please, Enjoy Your Meal

You should now have enough items to make Shop Colors’ “Collect 9 Shop Components.”

The Afterparty

The map above shows places of the eight chests. Each of the locations displayed below have the Shop Component with the exception of:

  • The Springvale waterfalls
  • Northern Dawn Winery address
  • The one to the southwest from Windrise (near Red Tent)

Therefore, you can head to the other five areas which are highlighted here to concentrate upon Shop Colors. Shop Colors event. It’s not a lot of work searching for the three chests mentioned above. The relevant items that you can get from this page to this Shop Colors event in Genshin Impact comprise:

  • Shop Ornament: Welcome, Welcome!
  • Landscape Accessory: Appropriately Sweetened
  • Shop Ornament: Just One Bite
  • Shop Frame: Dandelion Green
  • Storefront Furnishing: A Powerful Fragrance
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After you have opened all the chests that are relevant Once you have done that, you are finished by this Shop Colors event. You should have accumulated 180 Primogems from it.

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