How to hack Meredith Stout’s Militech Datashard in Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.6

Polish developer CD PROJEKTRED’s open-world action-RPG Cyberpunk 2077 has several memorable quests as well as other side projects. Certain of these quests provide an excellent escape from the main plot which adds a little laughter to an otherwise serious and dark tone that is Cyberpunk 2077.

However, there are other main story missions that can be branched off into many different quests or side jobs that , while not required are a part of the overall narrative in the overall story.

The most rewarding tasks and missions in Cyberpunk 2077 could be discovered early, and most missions will allow players to become familiar with the choices and the consequences system that the game uses. One particularly memorable quest can be described as “The Ride” in which players must acquire an electronic spider-drone named”Flathead “Flathead” by the Maelstrom Gang.

It’s the very first big mission of the game in which players have the option of choosing the best way to go. The mission can be approached in a variety of ways such as one where players have the option of calling Meredith Stout and arrange a meeting with her.

The conversation that takes place during the meeting can be negative initially, it will end in giving players an opportunity to steal the Militech Datashard, with a significant amount of Eddies within it. This can be taken should players be able to hack into the Datashard before handing it over to Maelstrom to exchange it in exchange for the Flathead. Here’s how to take on into the Militech Datashard in Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.6.

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How do you obtain the Militech Datashard Remove and replicate the malware Cyberpunk Version 2077 1.6

Getting the Militech Datashard

Players can get their own Militech Datashard pretty early in the game. When players have completed the prolog, get together with Jackie and make themselves known as a budding professional mercenary working during Night City, they’ll come confronted by Dexter DeShawn, a fixer.

After talking to Dexter DeShawn during The Ride story quest, players are given an task to schedule meeting together with Meredith Stout, a cropo and Militech’s chief operations manager who then hands over the Datashard to character of the player, V.

If Meredith plans V to utilize the Datashard rigged to exchange the Flathead however, the players may choose to double-cross her and hack the credchip eliminating the malware meant to be used by Maelstrom the gang’s leader Royce.

Removal and copying of the malware from the Militech Datashard

After Meredith hand over the credchip to her and then drives off those who are running a netrunner build, or possessing enough intelligence to utilize Breach Protocol quickhack, can make use of the technique to get around the firewall that was initially set up on the Datashard and erase it clean.

Here’s how you are able to hack into the Militech Datashard in Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.6:

  • Players should look over the Datashard within the “Journal” and then use Breach Protocol to crack the security of the chip.
  • Infringing on the credchip’s security can give the attackers sequences, one to neutralize malware that is on the shard (55 1C, 55, E9) and the second, to mine data for a duplicate of the malware (BD, the BD, FF, and 55).
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There is a way to accomplish each of the choices However, the option that permits hackers to gain access to datashards is the one that allows hackers to hack into Datashard will neutralize the threat. These are the steps you can take to eliminate malware on the credchip:

  • B: Top row, fifth column
  • HD: Bottom row, fifth column
  • F: Bottom row, fourth column
  • 55 Fourth rowand fourth column
  • 1C 4th row. Second column.
  • E9 The bottom row is the second column.

After players follow the correct sequence to defeat the malware that is on the Militech Datashard, they can take advantage of the massive amount of 10,000 Eddies and continue with the main story mission.

Then, they have to make their way to The Pickup and pick up The Flathead of the Maelstrom group. This could become a little difficult as players don’t be able to exchange the Datashard in exchange for the spider drone.

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