Overwatch 2: Best DPS heroes for new players

DPS heroes act as ones who deal damage In Overwatch 2. Contrary to tanks that depend on defensive stats as well as precise gameplay and Support heroes which are healers DPS heroes use swift attacks and brutally aggressive tactics in battle.

In the wake of Overwatch 2 already out on October 4, 2022. Let’s take a look at the top DPS players that are simple to manage and can be taken on by players who are new to the game.

Note The content of this article is not objective and only represents the opinion of the author.

Soldier 76 Genji 3 and other DPS characters that work perfect in Overwatch 2 beginners

1) Junkrat


  • 200 (Base Health)

Primary Weapon:

  • Frag Launcher – Junkrat is carrying the grenade launcher, which launches explosives that bounce around and can cause 120 injuries.


  • Concussion Mine Junkrat throws an explosive mine that could be detonated at the discretion of the player, causing 120 points of damage.
  • Steel TrapPlaces an inevitably irritating trap.
  • Total MayhemWhen the player activates this power, Junkrat throws bombs at the time he dies.
  • Rip-tireJunkrat is a driver and releases an explosive tire that causes an enormous amount of 600 damages.

Junkrat is without doubt an extremely irritating DPS heroes to play with during Overwatch 2. The character is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to teams that oppose him.

If players can combine Junkrat’s explosive damage skills along with his tangled traps and mines and traps, they could transform Junkrat into a weapon for massive destruction.

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2) Soldier 76


  • 200 (Base Health)

Primary Weapon:

  • Heavy Pulse Rifle It is an automated rifle capable of shooting both mid-range and long-range. It shoots 18 times per round.


  • Biotic Field It creates an energetic field which helps to heal Soldier at 76 along with his buddies.
  • Helix RocketSoldier with 76 launch a explosion of rockets which inflicts 120 points of damage.
  • The Tactical VisorWhen this feature is enabled, Soldier 76 automatically targets at the target that is in the direction of.

Soldier 76 has fairly simple capabilities that are easy to use that are easy to use in Overwatch 2. Soldier 76 is quite effective both in short-range and long-range combat and each of his skills is useful in any circumstances.

Soldier 76 is among the most flexible heroes in the game and is self-sufficient thanks to the Biotic Field healing ability. This makes him a perfect player for a team.

3) Symmetra


  • 100 (Base) 100 (Base), 100 (Base), (Base Health) 250 (Shields and armour)

Primary Weapon:

  • Photon Projector – A small-range weapon that shoots beams that have increased damage capacity. It can also shoot an orb which deals 120 damages.


  • Sentry Turret Symmetra uses the turret to slow enemies and inflicts damage.
  • TeleporterSymmetra utilizes two different teleporters to make speedy travel between two locations.
  • Photon BarrierDeploys as a huge energy barrier that shields Symmetra along with her allies.

With the capability to teleport, build barriers to defend, and also deal the damage with her energy beams as well as fire orbs Symmetra can be one of the best heroes of Overwatch 2.

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Although she is limited to short-range attack, Symmetra is a good option for a starting point due to her ability to excel both in defense and offense.

4) Genji


  • 200 (Base HP)

Primary Weapon:

  • Shuriken Shuriken Genji has Shurikens that he throws out precise bursts of three projectiles, causing 30 damage per.


  • Deflect Genji redirects attacks towards him for a period of two seconds.
  • Swift Strike Genji sprints ahead and inflicts 50 damage on enemies, and stops the cooldown.
  • Dragonblade:Genji takes out an extremely deadly melee weapon that is capable of dealing damage totaling 110.

Genji is a quick DPS hero, with a distinctive passive power called Cyber-Agility which allows him to climb high walls as well as double leap.

Genji was the top-ranked DPS hero in the beta version of Overwatch 2 due to his quick move, his quick dash speed and his incredibly formidable ultimate.

5) Tracer


  • 150 (Base Health)

Primary Weapon:

  • Pulse Pistols Pulse Pistols Short-range dual pistols with automatics that deliver 12 damage.


  • BlinkTracer is teleported ahead, in the direction that he is in.
  • RecallTracer returns in the past to a past place in healthy health.
  • The Pulse BombThrows an explosive, sticky device that inflicts a total of 350 damages.

Tracer is another fast and agile DPS hero who is simple to control. If utilized correctly she will do massive damage to teams that are not.

Her nebulous abilities, such as Recall and Blink, can be frustrating at times but are perfect for novices to overcome mishaps.

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