The Tanks in Overwatch 2 are meant to take on damage and knock out any player who gets in their path. The game has 10 tanks available in the game in the beginning. Each one is unique and has its own ability.
It is necessary to have skills in team-building to be an excellent Tank. There are a lot of Tanks who are self-helpers however, a lot of others be successful with the correct group formation.
Note The content of this article is personal and represents the views of the author.
Junker Queen, Wrecking Ball and more Tank Heroes are featured in Overwatch 2 Season 1: List of Tiers
S Tier

- Junker Queen
- Doomfist
- Sigma
Junker Queen has been introduced as the brand new character in Overwatch 2. She quickly became an unstoppable Tank and boasts an incredible rate of picks for players. This hero is great for players who enjoy being fierce by inflicting massive damage, self-healing and keeping opponents from healing.
Doomfist and Sigma are both just below Junker Queen but remain located in their S Tier. Doomfist was considered a DPS character in the initial title, but now is considered a Tank. Both Sigma and Sigma have amazing damage output and crowd-control abilities that make them essential for players who prefer to play at a slower pace.
A Tier

- Winston
- Zarya
- D.Va
Winston received a massive enhancement during Overwatch 2. Winston is now able to use an alternative-fire weapon to attack from a distance. Along along with the mobility of his the protective barrier, this ability places him at his A Tier.
Zarya along with D.Va are two characters from the past who have proven to be reliable in the game. Zarya is a solid shielding player and has good damage. D.Va’s mech is incredibly healthy and offers her the chance to quit for some difficult games.
B Tier

- Wrecking Ball
- Reinhardt
Wrecking Ball isn’t an overpowering character , by any way, but the tiny animal is extremely entertaining. It can be a challenge to master, it makes his difficult-to-learn abilities not particularly useful.
Reinhardt is currently completely outclassed by Sigma. Reinhardt is still able to shield and even fight back and is a good option when it comes to OG gamers who don’t seem keen on changing. But, he’s not cutting the same way as he did in the past.
C Tier

- Orisa
- Roadhog
Orisa was revamped prior to the release in Overwatch 2. But the change was more an obstacle than an improvement in her capabilities. Hero is able to keep her team on track by using anti-projectile skills, but she’s not as efficient in the category of dealing damage.
The players love Roadhog’s crazy character, but he does not fit in with the game’s meta. Roadhog is an extremely selfish character, and is the most unhelpful Tank because of his inability to help his team.