BGMI 2.2 No Recoil OBB file Download

BGMI 2.2 No recoil Config file, Download BGMI 2.2 No Recoil OBB file, White body, No grass Obb File 32bit and 64 bit, working

Download BGMI 2.2 32bit 2022 No Recoil, White Body Obb File

Best Obb config File for BGMI 2.2 No Recoil Obb file Update 32Bit 100% Anti-ban that works while downloading BGMI 2.2 No Recoil Obb file Update and also in Pubg.

BGMI 2.2 No Recoil Obb File 32bit and 64bit Download

If you need the PUBG / Bgmi 2.2 No Recoil Obb file, you can get it for free here. We have updated the file for the global version of May 2022, as well as for the Bgmi version. The file improves the overall AIM accuracy of all weapons in the game, including the M416, AKM, SKS, and AWM. Your favorite rifle may not always give you the accuracy you want. This could be due to device response time, heat, developer vagaries, or just because you are having a bad day.

Bgmi 2.2 No recoil Obb File

I am going to share BGMI 2.2 No recoil only 32bit and 64bit Obb File with you today. Works in BGMI 2.2 Fully Updated No Obb Recoil file Everything is good what is the problem Just root android mobile This BGMI 2.2 No recoil Obb file Download just one click and use all BGMI lovers everything is fine and easy to apply

BGMI 2.2 will only download White Body, no recoil obb file, if there is no other recoil obb file or the app is under registration. You can also get additional features in this Obb file by downloading the BGMI file for Season 2.2 .0.

They can also download and use any bounce file app for Bgmi ban 2.2 since we are showing ban login or pubg mobile India 2.2 without any ban on their phone because they don’t have any bounce or White Body Obb files. One is 100% anti-ban, the other is 100% anti-ban.

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Bgmi 2.2 The whole echo configuration file is now not updated and password secured. To get the password, read this page carefully. You will discover certain folders in this Bgmi no recoil file, you just need to copy and paste them as shown below to install and download Bgmi 2.2 .


Customizing or changing game files is illegal, but doing anything that might put your gaming account at risk is a bad idea because you’re putting your identity at risk. You may be banned indefinitely. If you want to use this No recoil Obb file, you must do so at your own risk. BGMI 2.2 update version is now available for download on Play Store and App Store.


GLOBAL – Pubg Mobile India Antiban 32-bit and 64-bit version accepted as device. No recoil obb File Download Antiban full This file will help you to kill pubg enemies quickly and improve your aim.

You can get this pubg mobile no recoil obb file for free and download obb pass pubg no recoil file is the latest version you can get.

How can I get the BGMI 2.2 ONLY NO RECOIL Obb File and install it?

  • Step 1: First, get the No recoil Obb file from this link.
  • Step 2: After you have downloaded the file, you must unpack it.
  • Step 3: Close the BGMI app and make sure it’s not operating in the background.
  • Step 4: Now you must sort the files into their appropriate directories.
  • Step 5: Paste the files into the following directories in the same order as they were downloaded. Navigate to Android > obb -> com.pubg.imobile in File Manager. Replace or paste the file here.
  • Step-6: Now run the BGMI app, and under the Graphics Settings of BGMI 2.2 , you should notice the No recoil option.
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Bgmi 2.2 White Body Config file

Configuration file for Bgmi 2.2 White Body
I hope you have understood how to use BGMI / Pubg 2.2 No Recoil Files 2022. These files make it easy to find out the opponent in BGMI. This means that White Body will spot and kill any opponent effortlessly, and the lack of recoil does not mean that any weapon will not bounce when fired, improving your gaming experience. A chicken dinner would be a lot easier if you used these cookies.

If the specified file is no longer available or the link has expired, we will replace it with a new one. So, bookmark this page or come back later to download Pubg file and BGMI 2.2 No recoil.

Every day, BGMI and Pubg are getting tougher. They have also banned more than 1 million accounts from joining the group. We do not advocate the use of this White Body File on your primary account because it may be identified by Krafton Security and your account may be permanently or temporarily banned.

This ends discussion of the BGMI 2.2 White Body Config File. Remember to tell your friends about BGMI if they enjoy it.

This file is available for download. No redirection and no need to travel to other pages with just one click. And with just one click it will start downloading Bgmi 2.2 no recoil obb file.

Download the Bgmi 2.2 No recoil file for any device.

I would like to note that this configuration file was created with special care so that it can run on a variety of devices, both 32-bit and 64-bit. You can simply get this configuration file. You must get the config file from below link and then follow the procedures to get free Bgmi 2.2 no Recoil Config.

READ MORE:  PUBG Lite No Recoil File Download New Update 0.23.0

Since I am providing you with the largest configuration file and a simple download link, all you have to do is download the file listed below. This is a fully updated file that will make your gaming experience much easier.

No Grass Bgmi 2.2 Obb File

BGMI 2.2 update obb file is not available for download now. This is the latest version of the configuration file, which has been updated to make sure there are no problems or delays. This grass free coil will make you feel happy and happy to play. However, this is not the right way to play any game as the rest of the actual players will be annoyed, and their rank/Fd will drop.

Password: GAMING121
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