Apex Legends offers unique characters or Legends that have different talents. The unique cast of characters from Apex Legends played a wide variety of roles, each with unique capabilities,
therefore your knowledge of the team rosters and rosters was as important as the ability to get heads popping.
Even though Apex Legends Mobile features an enviable selection of Legends than the entire title however, the battle royale game is just as difficult. If you’re novice to Apex Legends,
these are the five best Legends that you must know within Apex Legends Mobile with their capabilities and skills the top five Legends in Apex Legends Mobile

One of the major reasons to select Wattson is her ultimate ability that allows players to replenish their damage shield as well as deflect throwing abilities that are in opposition. She offers the team valuable assistance. To understand better the best place for electrified fences to be novice players will need to play several additional rounds.
- Tactical Ability: Perimeter Security
- Passive Ability: Spark of Genius
- Ultimate Ability: Interception Pylon

The correct use of Caustic is the issue, however. In it’s hands with an experienced Apex Legends player this Legend is much more useful. Even though it’s covered in an encapsulated layer with gas Caustic has a clear vision and when threatened by opponents, could explode poison bombs. Due to the fact that it is so new Apex Legends Mobile feels novice players might be intimidated playing with his abilities.
- Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap
- Passive Ability: Nox Vision
- Ultimate Ability: Nox Gas Grenade

Octane is the legendary overpowered character that you can play with in Apex Legends if you are looking to make your opponent scream. Octane can be the one Legend that, based on the circumstance is able to lose and gain health. If utilized correctly, the launch pads that he and his team can use are advantageous.
- Tactical Ability: Stim
- Passive Ability: Swift Mend
- Ultimate Ability: LaunchPad

In battle royale games that are competitive the health of players is crucial. In terms of health within Apex Legends Mobile Lifeline can be the best. She is able to heal allies without the need to be physically present with her tactical skills. She is able to fight enemies with she is using the Drone of Compassion is deployed as her team members are rejuvenated.
- Tactical Ability: D.O.C Heal Drone
- Passive Ability: Combat Medic
- Ultimate Ability: Care Package

One of the character in Apex Legends who’s maintained a balanced character throughout season is Bloodhound. Since the game is accessible for mobile devices players will be able to enjoy Bloodhound’s tracker abilities. The scanner’s ability to cut through barriers to track enemies is among its most impressive features.
- Tactical Ability: Eye of the Allfather
- Passive Ability: Tracker
- Ultimate Ability: Beast of the Hunt