5 best Free Fire pets for Chrono in BR mode

Following an OB31 Free Fire update, the meta character of the game, Chrono, was nerfed. The character’s abilities were reworked and players were unable to fire outside once they were within his force field. In spite of the changes, he’s still very popular.

But, as a result of the nerf, his power has diminished. The player must join the pet with their character to maximize performance and make up for. Although there are plenty available but only a few are the best for the job.

These Free Fire pets are good companions for Chrono

5) Agent Hop

Agent Hop’s feature for use in Free Fire is called Bouncing Bonus. Every time it shrinks the safety zone the user earns 50 EP. Of all the ways to earn EP from Free Fire this is the most straightforward.

While Chrono’s shield already strong, it will not remain in place for long, so it will take damage during games. Thus, users are able to recuperate passively using EP instead of wasting medkits or time recuperating.

4) Rockie

The ability that Rockie uses in games is Stay Chill which decreases the duration of cooldowns for active character abilities by 15 percent. This lets players use the power more often in matches.

Chrono’s Time Turner comes with a lengthy cooling time which is around 120 seconds. With Rockie the time can be decreased to 102 seconds. Although this may not sound like much but it is a great tool when fighting.

3) Detective Panda

Detective Panda’s skill for Free Fire is called Panda’s Blessings. When players score the killing, 10 HP are immediately saved. This is beneficial for players with the more aggressive style of play.

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Because many players still play Chrono in a threatening manner, Panda is an intelligent option for a pet to use during games. For those who are wondering, though Jota’s Sustained Raids is superior and more powerful, players must utilize a skill slot utilize it.

2) Night Panther

Night Panther’s power is known as the ability to train weights. It expands the space in your inventory by 45. This means that those who love carrying additional supplies can make great use of it.

In the scenario of Chrono the ability is used for its applications in a specific situation. For instance in the case of playing with a group in Free Fire players can make use of the additional storage space in the inventory to collect materials for the group.

1) Ottero

Ottero’s power is known as Double Blubber. If Free Fire users use a Medkit, EP equivalent to 65% HP is also recuperated. The power of Ottero turns the medkits into inhalers.

It can be beneficial to those who utilize Chrono in a rut. Instead of searching for inhalers or mushrooms gamers can just utilize medkits for recovering the EP and HP.

Note: This piece is not objective and only represents the writer’s opinion. The skills mentioned are at the highest level.

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